Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wookies and Wikis

I've never paid much attention to wikis, I didn't like the idea of an article that had no authority, I've only ever used Wikipedia as a last resort.

If it wasn't for this training I certainly wouldn't have investigated their potential. I'm now quite excited about the idea of a locked down wiki for our staff intranet, imagine being able to up date your intranet as soon as you had the information!
I'm going to play around with one and see if it would be a better alternative than a blog for our reference, homework help site.
I can't help myself, every time I think of wikis, I think of Chewbacca the Star Wars wookie.

I joined Wikipedia and I contributed to an article about my local area. The article had listed the surrounding villages, but I noticed that they'd missed one, so I added it using the same double square bracket "[[" before the entry and "]]" after the entry. When I saved the changes I noticed that the village had become a hyper link, so naturally I clicked on it. It was an interesting article on the village, but it had a basic mistake, it was listed as being 25 kms north east of the main town. This was a little difficult as the main town is on the east coast, so naturally I changed it read 25kms north west of the town.

I still have my concerns about the authority of wikipedia but I'm impressed with how easily wikis work, they certainly have huge potential for library services.


Superchicken77 said...

haven't checked it out but I imagine there are wikis on wookies or would that be wookies in wikis (and whiskers on kittens). Love your puppies!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice comment on the spacing of my blog. I guess all those "wasted" hours of blogging on myspace actually was useful after all! LOL

Yeah, the library thing is great. I like how it displays random books you have read too, not just the same ones.

Love your sense of humour with the wookie and pic of Chewbacca lol We've gotta have some fun eh? :)