Sunday, May 31, 2009

Virtual networking

There are two main ways that public libraries can benefit from social networking applications such as Facebook and My Space; by promoting library programs and services and by bringing together in the virtual world. I have a Facebook account and I've made friends with a librarian in the United States simply by being fans of the same applications.
Both these applications are simple and effective way of reaching young adults particularly, it should be standard procedure for all libraries to use these applications.

Online applications

A couple of months ago I used Google docs to communicate with other library zone members on videoconferncing. It was very easy to use and and a useful way for a group of people to communicate who are not on the same network. As with all the 2.0 applications I've only scratched the surface with GoogleDocs. I commend the PLS for setting up this course, even though it seems to have taken me forever to finish the course.

Mashups and sell!

I'm amazed at the different things you can do with mashups and the ease of using the applications. These have great potential for professional advertising without the cost. I made the poster to see how easy it would be, but I'd like to make a calendar too, it could be a useful planning tool as well as a promotional tool.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pod Casting and more


Podcasting has immediate uses for staff training where a procedure is more easily described with a video rather than written text. Podcasting would be a great way to record guest speakers and similar library events for people who cannot attend the function, or when the library has reached capacity for that function. I'm sure the more we use podcasting the more professional our videoing techniques would become. It would also allow the library to store recordings of it's events for local history purposes.